Written for EduExcellence by Nastasha Jacobs, Assessor and Centre Manager at The Assessment Centre.
The understanding and acceptance of neurodiverse individuals plays a key role in the inclusion of such individuals into the world of work and our education system.
April is Autism Awareness Month and a time to embrace Autism and to create hope and compassion.
Autism affects how children make sense of the world around them.
In the education system it is important to realise that if a child cannot learn the way we teach we need to teach the way they learn.
The Assessment Centre™ uses a specific assessment protocol based on neurodevelopment and from there develop the unique iMap™ which assists teachers and parents to gain an in-depth understanding of their child’s function and behaviour.
Sensory and information processing differences are often characteristic of children on the spectrum, understanding how it is different and how to best support these children in the classroom and at home is important.
Children on the spectrum might also have language differences, social differences, and repetitive behaviours.
EduExcellence aims to understand these differences with the support from the information obtained from The Assessment Centreâ„¢.
EduExcellence staff recognise and accept these differences and try to find the best support for each child’s development and neurodevelopmental profile and sets up an individualised educational plan often referred to as the 'IGP'.
Sensory tools are big now and wonderful tools to assist with sensory and/or self-regulation and are often referred to during the feedback session with The Assessment Centreâ„¢.
One of our favourite websites we refer to is: https://www.autismresources.co.za/
This brings me to one of the famous quotes for Autism: 'Autism has taught me that love needs no words'.... let us unite in the month of April and spread love, show compassion, and create hope in the EduExcellence community but also in the world out there.