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What we do

EduExcellence Schools

EduExcellence Schools – this is a mainstream school with a focus on small classes, to support learners who prefer our unique approach and environment. This will include but not be limited to learners who present with ADD, ADHD, barriers to learning etc.  


Schools stream follows the National CAPs curriculum facilitated in a remedial and brain0-based manner.


Class sizes are limited to a maximum of 12 learners per teacher.

EduExcellence FET Studio


EduExcellence Centres

EduSkills Centres – this is a special needs type centre that supports learners in a non- standardised curriculum with a focus on practical and hands-on learning.


Skills stream follows the National DCAPs curriculum, supported by the ASDAN short courses and programmes.


Class sizes are limited to a maximum of 8 learners per teacher.

EduExcellence Tutors


Each physical EduExcellence Campus supports two streams of learning:  

Our small classes allow our teachers an ideal opportunity to truly bond emotionally with each and every child. It is vital that our teachers make time to bond with, and understand, each child. Always remember that each child that comes to EduExcellence has unique challenges and needs. Understanding each child on a personal level helps one to address these needs lovingly and caringly. This IS the aim and goal of EduExcellence.


Small classes also provide the ideal opportunity to really connect with each parent. These parents have specifically placed their child at EduExcellence, they have placed their trust, hope and desires for their child in our care. It is our job, as educators, to contribute to their child’s educational, emotional and physical wellbeing as best we can.

EduExcellence Online offers interactive online remedial support. 



The TheraEd™ Approach forms the corner stone of EduExcellence. 


All the teachers at EduExcellence will be trained in various therapies and each child’s daily program includes a specialised remedial curriculum combined with specific therapies. The focus is primarily on the underlying neuro-developmental aspects that support learning, thus enabling our children to perform significantly better both as learners and as members of society. Within this system teachers and therapists share responsibilities across the board. The consequence of this is that teachers will also act as co-therapists and therapists correspondingly co-teachers. This allows fluidity and continuity.

TheraEd’s main philosophy is that of an eco-systemic neuro-development. Knowledge of this approach will be passed over to educators and therapists in work sessions and training. This approach forms the cornerstone of our philosophy and drives our activities and interventions with children.

It is anticipated that as a teacher at EduExcellence you present these activities with each child on a DAILY BASIS. These activities are very specific in execution. They should be implemented in line with the specific needs of each child and should be conducted in an accurate manner. As one of our teachers, you will be trained to recognise physiological stress and know when to stop any tension causing activity.

Please make an appointment with the therapy department if you are unsure about specific children and their needs. Weekly panel discussions are scheduled during which educators are able to present cases and gain further insight. This is also the perfect time for the therapist to report back to the teacher in terms of therapy conducted. Ethical aspects must be respected at all times.

Each learner benefits from an iMap™ as developed by Dr. Beulah van der Westhuizen and the Assessment Centre™.


Each staff member is required to complete the TheraEd Module 1 training within the first 3 months of employment. A pass of 80% or higher is mandatory.



As far as possible, EduExcellence predicates a drug (chemical) free zone. As educators you are neither qualified, nor registered, to make any recommendations in terms of scheduled medication. Parents will never be advised by an EduExcellence educator to seek medical treatment in the form of prescribed drugs. If need be, any issue in this regard, should be addressed in our weekly panel discussions and an appropriate referral will be made. Parents should be referred to the therapy department for suggestions concerning supplementation.


At EduExcellence, we believe in the gut-brain connection.  

Therefore, we are a sugar-free zone. As an educator, you act as a role model to both parents and learners alike. Lunchboxes should be checked and, if need be, parents should be guided towards packing a low GI (GL) lunchbox for their child. All communication should be positive and uplifting.

Please read the appropriate references and books that will guide you to communicate with parents concerning this matter.

We provide a low GI breakfast and lunch daily for the learners. As far as possible we cater for religious convictions and food allergies.

Staff are welcome to partake in the lunch offered, but please bear in mind that all learners must eat first before staff are allowed to be served.



EduExcellence follows the National CAPs curriculum in our Schools Stream and the National DCAPs curriculum in our Skills stream, supported by ASDAN.

The National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) is a single, comprehensive, and concise policy document introduced by the Department of Basic Education for all the subjects listed in the National Curriculum Statement for Grades R - 12.

The Differentiated Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (DCAPS) is designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each learner and to ensure their holistic development.

ASDAN is a curriculum development organisation and awarding body, providing courses that develop skills for learning, work and life.


The therapy department of EduExcellence is there for you as an educator to provide optimal educational and developmental experience to the child. Suggestions will be made in order to assist you in your task. It is expected that you will follow their suggestions and if you feel that they are not appropriate then it is expected of you to make an appointment with me personally to address the matter.

It is one thing to do the therapeutic activities but it is another thing to do them correctly and in a manner that is beneficial to the child. A good example is the balance board activities. Children can do these activities and not benefit at all. Your constant assistance and supervision is of utmost importance. Always be conscious of the fact that they are growing children – we are literally growing their neural structures. Use your time wisely and make a difference, neuron by neuron.

As a qualified teacher, you would have had basic training in Psychology. Being a teacher at EduExcellence we also take it that you can handle challenging children and difficult situations in the classroom. The therapy department will assist you and we will even demonstrate techniques for you to apply. If we consistently see that you struggle to manage and maintain discipline we will have to reconsider certain aspects such as placement and teacher classroom suitability.

If we need to isolate a child from your classroom for any reason whatsoever, you remain responsible for that child. You will make sure that academic work is up to date and that the child knows what to do at all times. If we see that this is not feasible, we will remove the child from your class list and allocate him/her to another teacher or enlist the help of an alternative educator

Our children are sensitive, and you are a co-therapist so classroom conduct should be conducive to self-concept development at all times. We do not yell at children. Walk over, make eye contact, express your needs and/or request in a clear manner and make sure that the learner understood what is required. Be respectful of each child’s individual neuro-developmental makeup and know that child in order to assist him.

As a remedial school with a strong therapy basis and as a school that uses the TheraEd model, you are required to include therapies in your preparation. The therapies will depend on the individual child, the focus of the school at that stage and recommendations made during panel discussions.

These therapies could include, but are not limited to:

iDevelop™ activities – group, individual and ADHOC

Neuro-Cognitive modules

We have an extended day to ensure that we have enough time to include these therapies on a daily basis. Your roster will indicate periods during the day that will be allocated to these therapies. Adhere to these times and implement these therapies. You will be expected to give feedback during the panel discussions. During our training sessions on a Monday, these therapies will be explained and demonstrated. After these sessions, you will be expected to incorporate the knowledge and provide evidence as to your ability to implement the therapies.

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